Monday, April 26, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Introduction to The Santiago Project

Welcome to The Santiago Project blog!

The Santiago Project is a collaboration of four undergraduate electrical/computer engineering (ECE) students studying at the University of Texas at Austin. This is our senior design project, which was begun during spring 2010 and will be completed during fall 2010.

The name of our project refers to the main character of The Old Man and the Sea, written by Ernest Hemingway in 1951.

The senior design sequence at the University of Texas consists of two courses: EE364D and EE464K. Typically EE364D is taken during the spring semester of a student's junior year, and EE464K is taken during the fall semester of senior year. At the time of this post we are in the latter half of EE364D.

In senior design we form groups of three to five students to work together for the entire sequence. We must then decide on a project; this project must consist of both hardware and software components and be complicated enough to give us real work for the entirety of senior design.

Our group consists of the following students:
  • Josh Arenson
  • Marc Anthony Gonzalez
  • Cory Heuschkel
  • Matthew Juran
Thank you for reading!

Concept sketch of the UMV

This is a concept sketch of what the watercraft should look like. Obviously, parts of it are exaggerations/comic relief, but this is the general idea.

UPDATE: Converting GPS Serial Output to TTL levels

I ordered a sample ADM232A which is a high-speed CMOS RS-232 Driver/Receiver. The chip was designed to take an RS232 signal and convert it to TTL levels and vice-versa. While our implementation using a rail-to-rail op-amp worked, the ADM232A is specifically designed to handle this task. I wired the circuit as shown below.

Using a function generator, I provided a 12 V peak-to-peak signal at 4800 Hz (the same signal as the output from the GPS we are using) as a simulated RS232 input. The output signal was from 0 - 5 V and inverted. The oscilloscope measurement can be seen below. The blue line is from the function generator, and the yellow line is output from the ADM232A.

Overall, I would recommend that we use the ADM232A instead of the op-amp solution. The ADM232A has very low power requirements (as configured, I measured the current draw between 2 - 3 mA), and it was made specifically to solve our RS232 - TTL voltage issue.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Converting GPS Serial Output to TTL levels

Not realizing the output voltage of the GPS we are using, I wired it directly up to our new Arduino. After three hours of it not working, it occurred to me that the voltage output may be at RS232 levels (plus or minus 3 to 15 volts) instead of TTL (0 through 5 volts) levels. A quick check on the oscilloscope confirmed that the Garmin unit we are using outputs at plus and minus 6 volts. I ordered a sample of an ADM232 which converts between RS232 levels and TTL levels. Temporarily, we are using an OPA2350 rail to rail op amp to limit the output from 0-5 volts. This solution works, and we are now able to read NMEA data through the Arduino.
Here is the schematic of the circuit that we are using:

Requirment and Specifications Report Final Draft

Download the docx here.

Desktop Application Concept Screenshots

These are screenshots of how I envision the desktop application.