Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Possible Contol System Components

Arduino USB Board
  • Used as the central microcontroller of the boat
  • Open source hardware
  • Open source software
  • Very large community support
  • Wide range of accessories
  • Low cost ($30)
  • Link to page at sparkfun

ArduPilot - Arduino Compatible UAV Controller w/ ATMega328
  • UAV controller for use in unmanned cars, planes, and boats
  • Plugs directly into the Arduino microcontroller
  • Comes with an unmanned vehicle operating system that is FOSS
  • Has an socket for a GPS receiver
  • Low cost ($25)
  • Link to page at sparkfun

20 Channel EM-406A SiRF III Receiver with Antenna
  • GPS receiver used with ArduPilot
  • Antenna included
  • Small form factor
  • 1 Hz update rate
  • 5 Volts
  • Very well documented
  • Link to page at spakfun

Official Ardupilot FTDI Cable
  • Needed to load firmware, etc... on the ArduPilot board
  • $20
  • Not worth it to make our own, I looked into it
  • Lab checkout doesn't have one either

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