Wednesday, February 17, 2010

RESEARCH: Processing Libraries to Generate 3D Maps

  • SurfaceLib
    • Pros
      • Seems very powerful
      • Easy to apply textures to a 3D surface
    • Cons
      • Very complex
      • Spherical coordinates?
  • SuperPoint
    • Pros
      • Very easy to use, arguments consist of x,y,z,R,G,B,A
      • Renders very fast
    • Cons
      • Too simple
      • Cannot apply textures
  • Patchy
    • Pros
      • Powerful
      • Easy to apply textures
    • Cons
      • Somewhat of a learning curve

  • Briefly looked at VTK
    • Seemed EXTREMELY powerful (they boast that the program has over 1 million SLOC)
    • Seemed EXTREMELY complex
    • Little documentation

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